Sent when the Gateway wants to perform a member list operation on the client. Each of these "ops" correspond to an operation the client will perform with its local member list.

NOTE: This documentation is heavily based around the implementation by Reflectcord, which maintains a full list, and converts it to equivalent OPs for the client.

OP types


Sent when the server wants the client to resynchronize a range of OPs. This directly replaces items in the member list with those sent by the server.


Sent to update an item at a certain index.

NOTE: This requires you to send an entire item, not a partial.


Insert an item at an index. Note that this does not overwrite an already existing item. If you need to replace an item, use UPDATE instead.


Remove an item at an index via splicing. It's important to note that due to this being a splice on the client, it will mutate the indexes of every item. If you need to remove an item without mutating the index, use INVALIDATE instead.


Delete a range of items in the list. This uses a plain old delete, which does not mutate the indexes of every item.